Good evening everyone. I hope you all enjoyed your Easter Sunday. We did not have a big family gathering for Easter. Everyone sort of does their own thing. My grandson is home on leave from the Navy before his next deployment and has been making the rounds of family & friends as it will probably be another year before we see him again. I am trying to get him to notifiy me in time of his returning dates when they are told, usually not until they are ready to deploy back to home base. I have really wanted to be in Norfolk when his ship pulls in, but need to make motel reservations and have us all cleared to be allowed in. Last time they had the wives/husbands of returning sailors draw lots as to who got to be right up front, at least I think this is what they did, they may do this every time. Anyway I get all tearyeyed just watching a movie and seeing the ships returning. The WWII movies always showed them coming in under the Golden Gate Bridge. It is so emotional to see them all lined up along the rail in their whites. So I am hoping I get to do this when they return this time.
This is the card I did for my March OCS. I am hoping she has already received it. I believe all the cardstock & DSP are Stampin' Up and the stamp is one I got a long time ago at Michael's. I love this stamp, but haven't used it much. It is fun and easy to color. Again, I used various brands of watercolor pencils. I hope she enjoys it. I think it is a happy image!! Well off to lay my head down.