Oh heck! It is 10:10 a.m. and I forgot about my post for WOYWW again. So here I am trying to get it together, some what. I am still working on cards to sell at the end of March for the Parrish Heritage Day Festival. This is a very, very old small town in Florida and it is just 3 miles from my home. When I see some of your sites and the boxes of cards you have made it makes my pathetic attempt a big joke. Oh well, work with what you have and what you can do I guess. I am currently working on two birthday cards, they are not finished, still thinking about how I want to finish them off. I have two sorority sisters with birthdays, one on Feb. 27 and the other is Mar. 2. The cat is a Penny Black and the girls I believe are Stampin' Up stamps. I still have not mastered getting my pics to come up on my blog where I want them.
My grandson, who has returned from his latest deployment has e-mailed me that Lifetime TV came on board ship as they were returning and interviewed some of the crew and filmed the homecoming to their loved ones. They had just returned from a deployment and within about a month to 6 weeks were sent out again. Anyway the ship is the USS Harry S. Truman CVM75, an aircraft carrier and it is to be aired on March 6 at 10:00 p.m., Eastern time in the United States. So I am looking forward to watching it. My sorority chapter is in the final planning stages of our "Weekend Getaway" for May 20. We have decided to stay close to home because of the gas prices and only having three days. We do not want to spend all of our time on traveling, so we are just going about a 45 minute drive up the coast to Passa Grille (Enfys you should be familiar with this area, I think). We are staying at a small motel facing the Gulf and there are little shops and restaurants within walking distance. Then my girlfriend and I are hoping to book a cruise for 2012 and begin making payments on the booking so it is all paid by the time we board the ship. Who knows what will be happening by August 2012, but that is our plan. Well that is probably more than you wanted to know and so I will get off here and on to my day. Have a great week.